Saturday, November 19, 2011

Garys facebook slogan "Trust is the new currency" and the irony of it.

  • Ironic that Gary's new "slogan" is "Trust is the new currency".  when he is the very last person who should be trusted.  His photo that he has on his facebook wall as well as his "companies" web site, is a stock photo that he purchased. If you go to the web site " and upload the photos of his work place, as well as photos that he has posted of his "house" you will see that all of them are related to other articles on the web about others peoples home, as well as his work photo is a photo that comes from stock photography and has and is being used in many different places. Its all about his "con".  
    If trust is the new currency why is he trying to hard to con others into thinking he is a "good guy" and one who owns all these "family" owned companies in the oil and energy business? 
    The Gary Bowen he has listed on his facebook page out of LA? Gary has already done extensive research into this man and his background, as their age aren't far off so that he can utilize this mans credit and credit history.  
    ‎" Trust is the New Currency"
    · November 7 at 6:32am ·


1 comment:

  1. Want to see this photo that Gary "took" of his busy day at the office? Just go to tin eye upload the photo and you can see that he stole the photo for the purpose of trying to convince (con) others that he is something other than who he truly is. The photo is on several other web sites. Funny, for companies that aren't his.
